Support for parents and

teenagers navigating


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I post tons of live videos about adolescence, healing, recovery, parenting - answering questions like:

  • What was the turning point in my journey?

  • How to support your child in crisis?

  • How to get your teen to take accountability?

Adolescence is a crucial and transformative developmental stage — a tumultuous, beautiful, and vital time in your child’s life.

If you are seeking understanding, inspiration, and support for you and your teen — you are in exactly the right place.

Adolescence is the most dramatic and rapid aging process we go through. It is marked by intense emotions, lots of change, and confusion. Many teens struggle with their identity, self-worth, and the ongoing pressure to have it all figured out.

While this is naturally a challenging time of life, it it is also an important one — your teen is standing at the threshold of adulthood. Learning how to successfully, safely, and confidently navigate these years is possible for your family, and will set the tone for the rest of your child’s life.

I work with struggling teens because I was one.

I was the archetype of the “troubled teen” —sad, rebellious, insecure, passionate, and deeply sensitive. I went through years of treatment — inpatient hospitalization, wilderness therapy, and a therapeutic boarding school.

My experiences in these environments showed me what our culture and mental health care systems misunderstand about teenagers, about adolescence, and healing.

You can read my whole story here.

Me at 14, before I really started struggling.

Me at 17, in a wilderness therapy program.

Here, you will find support to transform your relationship with your child, give them the tools they need to thrive, and create more connection and stability in your family.

Teen Coaching

I help teenagers rediscover their confidence, resilience, self-worth, and powerfully reclaim their lives. Learn more here.

Parent Coaching

I work with parents to better understand their child’s struggles, develop effective plans, and learn successful communication for having a more connected household. Learn more here.

Speaking Engagements

I would be honored to speak at your support group, panel, or school. If you would like to discuss collaborating, please reach out here.

I have worked with families just like yours. I would love to connect, and discuss how I can support you.

Homing: An animal’s inborn ability to find their way home.

Animals have an inborn ability to return home after traveling great distances, or through unfamiliar territory — their “homing instinct.” My work is rooted in a belief that you and your children have this inherent wisdom. You have the medicine you need. You can return home.

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