Finding Your Center: Building Your Inner Home
For Teens: Understand what it means to feel at home in yourself, notice when you've drifted away, and learn how to bring yourself back.
The Practice of Staying in Your Own Field
How to break free from the exhausting cycle of trying to manage your teen's emotions and reactions.
As Within, So Without: Why Your Teen Talks to You Like That
Our teens can say hurtful, unfiltered, and intense things that are hard to hear. The way they’re communicating is reflecting their inner world.
Emotional Intensity During Adolescence
When I was 17, I had a meltdown over not being allowed to get my nose pierced. This is why “small things” feel so huge for teens.
The Wisdom Behind a Teenager’s Resistance
There is great wisdom in a person’s resistance or refusal. This is why parts of me were afraid to heal.
Relate to Your Child as Whole and Healed
Teenagers sense how you feel about them — and it is powerful to hold them in your perspective as brilliant, capable, and whole.
Working With the Nervous System: Coping State and Growth State
How tracking and honoring our nervous system helps us heal.
The Essential Ingredients for Adolescence
What teens need as they move through the threshold towards healthy adulthood.