

Coaching for teens & young adults from a former “troubled teen” turned mentor

Adolescence is a crucial and transformative developmental stage — a tumultuous, beautiful, and vital time in your child’s life.

Teens grapple with their identity, manage enormous pressure, and experience volatile emotions. Many turn to self-injurious behavior to cope with pain of not belonging, not knowing who they are, or where they are going. That’s what I did.

I was in your child’s shoes. I’m on the other side now, and I’m here to help your family get there too, and find more connection in the process.

As a parent, many of your well-meaning efforts have probably been met with resistance. But even when you’re exhausted from trying, you can’t give up on your child.

I work with every teen or young adult and their family to develop a customized plan for their unique needs.

If you are seeking understanding , guidance, and support — you are in exactly the right place.

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How we can work together

I draw from my personal background and work experience with adolescents to create an individualized, unique plan designed to help your family reach your goals.

  • 1:1 mentoring for teens and young adults. We create customized mentoring plans, with the option of a home visit and wraparound care.


  • In Person Group in Denver, CO: Your daughter will learn with a community of like-minded and supportive peers who get what she is going through, and want to grow with her.


I was once a “troubled teen.”

The teenage version of me was sad, rebellious, insecure, as well as passionate and deeply sensitive — the archetype of a “troubled teen.” I went through it all: therapy, medication, inpatient hospitalization, wilderness therapy, and a therapeutic boarding school. Now, I think of those years as “training” — learning the life lessons I needed in order to be able to do what I do now.

I know what it’s like to have no hope.

I know what it’s like to feel that no one understands me.


I know how transformational it is to finally let someone in. 

To finally have faith things can change.

It’s possible for everyone — it’s possible for your child.

Homing Instinct:

An animal’s inborn ability to find their way home.

Animals have an inherent ability to return home after traveling great distances, or through unfamiliar territory — their “homing instinct.” My work is rooted in a belief that we all have this inherent wisdom and navigation system. And as we tune into that, we return home.